Rea Garvey | Video | It's A Good Life

It's A Good Life
It's A Good Life
Rea Garvey
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Ihr seht Lyric Video zur Single “It’s A Good Life” vom Album “Pride”. Mit “It’s A Good Life” sendet euch Rea Garvey eine lebensbejahende, tröstenden und Mut machende Botschaft. Unter Verzicht auf komplexe Instrumentierungen setzt Garvey dabei auf die Kraft seiner Stimme und singt den Song in Begleitung der Rhythmusgitarre in klassischer Singer-Songwriter Machart. Damit schafft er viel Raum für den Text, dem der Hörer aufmerksam folgen kann. Probiert es, es lohnt sich.

It’s A Good Life / Rea Garvey

You hang your head in misery
Your eyes say that you’re no longer free
I know you hide behind that cloud of despair
I’m just someone who came
To show he cares
Come on wake up
Don’t be afraid
We can find what you lost on the way
Come on wake up there’s no shame
In being to weak
To fight the pain
It’s a good life
Even when hope is forsaken
Even when your heart is breaking
Never forget it’s worth saving
Never forget
It’s a good Life
Seeing the sun on the tree line
Feeling the breeze on a warm night
Holding the hand of love
Happiness is not made of gold
It’s made of memories only you and I hold
If you can hear me then answer the call
I’ll just sit here 'til you’re strong enough to talk
Come on wake up
Don’t be afraid
We can find what you lost on the way
Come on wake up don’t slip away
You were once the one to help me find my way
To a good life
Even when hope is forsaken
Even when your heart is breaking
Never forget it’s worth saving
Never forget
It’s a good Life
I know you can turn it around
Just make for the break in the clouds
I’ll wait for you there
Come on wake up
Don’t be afraid
We can find what you lost on the way

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