Kaum ist ihr letzter Hit “
Night Garden” in Zusammenarbeit mit
Kenny Beats und
Bakar erschienen, bringt
BENEE schon ihre neue Single “
Snail” heraus! Ein Feel-Good-Sommerhit mit einem Lyricvideo der ganz besonderen Art. Hier bringt nicht nur der Track selbst, sondern auch der Clip mit seinen 3D-Animationen im Gaming-Style allerbeste Laune! Zur Inspiration des Tracks sagt BENEE:
“When we were in lockdown, I was fascinated by snails. There wasn’t really a lot to be doing, so I would spend a lot of time outside looking at snails and would think about how they’re doing their own little thing and they’re all free. I just played around with the idea of being kind of like a snail and how I come out in the rain. Being stuck inside because of COVID, it’s kind of my lockdown song.”